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Patient Profile


What is your hereditary background?
Describe your skin (check all that apply)
Do you consider your skin:


Are you pregnant or lactating? Please consult with your OB. (Only the Oxygenating Trio, Detox Gel Deep Pore Treatment or Hydrate Therapeutic Oat Milk Mask are appropriate.
Do you wear contacts? Remove contacts if sensitive or having microdermabrasion.
Do you currently have a sunburned/windburned/red face?
Are you in the habit of going to the tanning booth? If within the past 14 days we must decline treatment. This practice should also be discontinued due to risk of skin cancer and aging.
Do you engage in vigorous aerobic activity or sports?
Do you smoke or use tabacco?


Do you currently use depilatories or wax? Is so, discontinue use 5 days pre and post treatment
Have you had a chemical peel or any type of procedure with a medical device?
Within the last 14 days?
Do you have regular Collagen, Botox, or other dermal filler injections? (Peels should procede or follow peels by two days to prevent movement of the filler or stinging at the injection site).
Have you recently had laser resurfacing or facial surgery?
Are you taking any of the following medications?
Have you ever undergone Accutane (isotretinoin) therapy? (If you are currently undergoing Accutane treatment please consult your physician. If you are no longer undergoing Accutane treatment it okay to apply ONE layer of the following: Ultra Peel I, Sensi Peel, Advanced Treatment Booster, Oxygenating Trio, Hydrate Therapeutic Oat Milk Mask, or Revitalize Therapeutic Papaya Mask)
Do you develop cold sores/fever blisters?
Are you allergic or sensitive to any of the following?
Have you ever used any other products that have caused a bad reaction?

Thank you!

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